When planning breast augmentation, you want beautiful, natural-looking, and natural-feeling results — and that’s why you need an elite surgeon like board-certified plastic surgeon Timothy Mickel, MD, FACS, to perform your procedure. At Mickel Plastic Surgery in Monroe, Louisiana, Dr. Mickel has performed more than 1000 breast implant surgeries over three decades. He’s a true specialist in his field, and breast augmentation is the most popular procedure he performs. For results with the highest level of artistic skill, call the office or click online scheduling to set up your consultation now.

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What are breast implants?

Breast implants are manmade implants that go behind your existing breast tissue or in front of your chest wall muscle to improve your breast shape and fullness. At Mickel Plastic Surgery, breast augmentation or enlargement is the most common procedure Dr. Mickel performs.

He has expertly placed breast implants in more than 1000 patients since 1990, and he continues to refine his skills and hone his approaches to offer patients the most aesthetically beautiful, natural-looking, and natural-feeling results.

Are saline implants a good choice for breast implants?

Breast implants have a silicone outer shell and are filled with either silicone gel or saline (salt water). Saline implant shells are filled after insertion, allowing for slightly shorter incisions than with silicone implants.

Saline implants are slightly firmer than silicone implants. They may cause skin ripples or folds you can see or feel. Saline doesn’t adhere to the implant shell as well as silicone, so it can gravitate downwards and may “bottom out” eventually.

Saline implants are an option for women who haven’t had children, have good skin quality, and only desire a modest enlargement.

Are silicone implants better than saline?

Silicone gel implants are the most common choice for breast implants today. The gel adheres to the implant shell well, which prevents shifting and bottoming out. Silicone implants are pre-filled, requiring a slightly longer incision than saline implants.

Around 1990, controversy arose regarding silicone implants’ safety due to rumors suggesting they might cause connective tissue diseases. After a decade of intense scientific scrutiny, the Institute of Medicine concluded that there was no connection between silicone implants and connective tissue diseases, and the FDA then released them for general use.

Since then, silicone implants have become so popular because they’re more natural-feeling. They’re also better for women who want larger implants and fuller breasts (but, of course, no implant can defy gravity forever).

Do you need to replace breast implants after 10 years?

Implant shells may crack after years of use and require replacement. But, if your breasts remain soft and you have normal mammograms, it’s very unlikely you need to replace your implants. Dr. Mickel believes in replacing breast implants only where necessary.

He takes the time to understand your goals and get it right so you can enjoy your breast implants for many years to come.

Call Mickel Plastic Surgery or book your consultation online now.