Most men and women seek a fit and well-proportioned body

Liposuction can help you achieve that well proportioned figure

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What is Liposuction?

At Mickel Plastic Surgery we offer liposuction treatments for both men and women. We understand how the appearance of your body can affect your confidence and everyday happiness and are able to deliver quick, safe and effective procedures. Liposuction means a major surgical procedure to most people. What is less well known is that it can be carried out in a safe, gentle and comfortable manner.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove unwanted fat and improve body shape. This surgery can help those who have been unable to shift fat through diet and exercise. Liposuction can change the shape of the body, but it is not a weight control or obesity treatment. Liposuction cannot remove cellulite or stretch marks. The results of liposuction can be long lasting, providing you maintain a healthy weight.

Liposuction can be done on your abdomen (tummy), hips, buttocks, neck, arms, thighs, knees and ankles.

There is a limit to the amount of fat that can be safely removed from any area of your body, so it may not be possible to reduce an area as much as you would like. Your body won’t replace the fat cells, so you should have a long-lasting change in your body shape, especially if you exercise, eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight after liposuction. However, putting on weight can cause the remaining fat cells to change.

The Liposuction Procedure

Through a tiny incision, a narrow tube is inserted and used to vacuum the fat layer that lies deep beneath the skin. This is attached to a strong vacuum pump which is drawn back and forth within the area of excess fat. The process removes tunnels of fat leaving the small blood vessels and nerves intact. The skin will then retract.

There are several factors limit the amount of fat that can be safely removed in one session. Dr. Mickel can discuss with you regarding how much fat can be removed.

Fat cells are thought not to be regenerated in adult life. Therefore their removal by liposuction will give a permanent change in contour and be independent of any changes in your body weight.

It was the best decision I’ ve ever made to have Liposuction done with Dr. mickel. My stubborn love handles which I’ve tried to lose for years are now looking perfect. You have changed my life. I promise I will keep up my dream shape with regular exercise.


Before and After Photos of Liposuction

Seeing is believing. Click the link above to view a selection of Liposuction Before and After Photos from patients who have allowed us to share their before and after photos on our web site. If you choose Mickel Plastic Surgery, we will select additional before and after images from our large selection of Liposuction plastic surgery patient photos for you to study as you consider your options. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to see the possibilities of Liposuction cosmetic surgery in Monroe, LA.