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Breast Procedures

Breast Procedures

Learn More About Breast Augmentation,

Breast Lift, Breast Reconstruction, And Other Procedures

Breast Procedures

If you are not comfortable with the size, shape or feel of your breasts, or they are causing you physical problems, Dr. Mickel offers a range of surgical breast procedures to help you. From breast enlargement to breast reduction and breast uplift our expert cosmetic and plastic surgeon creates beautiful, natural looking results. There are many varied cosmetic surgical breast procedures available to women according to the reason you would like the procedure and your envisaged end result. You may wish to increase or decrease the size of your breasts or need an uplift or Mastopexy.

Dr. Mickel offers a variety of breast surgery and breast enhancement procedures to achieve long lasting and natural results. In addition, they perform numerous revisional surgeries on patients who are unhappy with their original procedure and come to him seeking improvement or complete restoration of their breasts. In such cases, we are happy to assist patients in having their original records forwarded to us, or in contacting the original surgeon for the operative report and any information that might prove helpful to us in planning the revision. Click below for a more detailed explanation on each breast procedure.

Breast augmentation surgery to increase the size of the breasts using implants

Breast reconstruction is achieved through several plastic surgery techniques that attempt to restore a breast to near normal shape, appearance and size following mastectomy

Breast reduction surgery to reduce the size of breasts Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, is designed to lift the breasts, restoring a more youthful appearance. 

A breast lift can also be performed with either a breast augmentation or a breast reduction

Is a surgical breast procedure right for you? As a practice dedicated exclusively to cosmetic surgery and headed by a highly experienced surgeon, we have the expertise and understanding to help you answer that question wisely.

This web site is intended to be a helpful starting point. You’ll find answers to frequently asked questions, descriptions of the various procedures offered, information about the consulting surgeon who directs the practice and more. If you have additional questions, please fill in the Contact Form to arrange a private consultation with Dr. Mickel.