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Body Procedures

Body Procedures

We have Treatments to Sculpt, Contour

Flatten, Tighten and Lift

Body Procedures

There are many cosmetic surgery procedures for the body, the most popular being liposuction and tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty. We also perform body contouring surgery for those patients that have experienced massive weight loss through dieting or weight loss surgery – including large tummy tucks, back lifts, arm lifts and inner thigh lifts.

All cosmetic surgery body procedures are designed to help improve the shape and contour of different areas of the body.

Liposuction is the removal of localized areas of fatty tissue to help improve contour and appearance. It is one of the Plastic Surgery body procedures popular with men as well as women. While many people think that liposuction is exclusively designed for the stomach and waist area, it’s one of the cosmetic surgery body procedures that can also target problem areas such as the hips, inner and outer thighs, knees and double chin.

An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a body sculpting treatment for those people who want a flatter stomach and a slimline appearance including love handles and saddlebags. It not only removes excess skin and fat, but also helps tighten tummy muscles that can become stretched after child birth or massive weight loss. Dr. Mickel is a body contouring specialist who also has expertise in body contouring after Massive Weight Loss.

Click below for a more detailed explanation on each of our body procedures.

Liposuction is an option to remove small bulges of fat that diet and exercise don’t budge and to improve your body’s shape

Body contouring following major weight loss improves your shape and removes excess sagging fat and skin

Medial Thigh Lift is a surgical procedure to correct sagging of the inner thigh

Tummy Tuck flattens the abdomen by removing extra fat and skin, and tightening muscles in your abdominal wall

Upper Arm Lift Also known as brachioplasty, an arm lift reshapes the under portion of the upper arm, from the underarm region to the elbow

CoolSculpting Elite is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure to treat those stubborn “love handles”, “muffin tops” and other trouble spots

Is one of our surgical body procedures right for you? As a practice dedicated to cosmetic surgery and headed by a highly experienced surgeon, Dr. Timothy J. Mickel, we have the expertise and understanding to help you answer that question wisely.

This web site is intended to be a helpful starting point. You’ll find answers to frequently asked questions, descriptions of the various procedures offered, information about the consulting surgeon who directs the practice and more. If you have additional questions, please fill in the Contact Form to arrange a private consultation with Dr. Mickel.